Seals and Cicadas

I doubt Seals and Cicadas would be a good musical duo, but they both make beautiful music in their own right. This edition of Artful Notes isn’t noisy, but mixed with some beauty are a few things that are downright scary!

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Let’s go!

Art I’ve Found

Jason O’Rourke

The first image I saw from Jason O’Rourke was of a monk seal on Kauai, Hawaii. It instantly took me back to a vacation and falling in love with the monk seal. He is a landscape and wildlife photographer, and has a passion for marine conservation, especially the monk seals.

If you want to see wonderful marine photography, Jason is a great place to start!

My Art

The Lion of Cantigny

Memorial Day was just celebrated in the United States. The day is a remembrance of those who gave their lives in the Armed Forces. The image is a sculpture called The Lion of Cantigny which commemorates the Battle of Cantigny in World War I.

Music I’ve Found

Miles Davis

In the world of me, I found it surprising that I had never listened to Miles Davis. While searching for music at work, Apple had come out with its top 100 albums, and there sat “Kind of Blue.”

Miles Davis became the music of the day.

While I should have been listening to Miles in an easy chair, with a scotch or Manhattan beside me, and maybe a pipe, sadly, I was listening at work. Even so, I am now a fan.

My Dorky Song

Cicada Noisiness is Here

It’s been seventeen years since the cicadas sang their beautiful song, well, actually just made a lot of noise. They are back to remind us, “Why the heck are there cicadas?”

I still am not sure why they are here, but they are noisy!

I’ve Written

Faceless After Dark

From my review…
Faceless After Dark” does a great job taking you into the psychosis of a movie star stuck as a one-hit-wonder of a horror movie.

More Cicada Goodness

The 17 Year Cicadas …

Yes, it’s cicada time as I’m mentioned, and as dorky as my song is, the Forest Preserve District of Dupage County in Illinois takes the fun to the next level.

Their videos explain the life cycle of the cicada, and the second video makes you appreciate that you aren’t a cicada.

Thanks always for your interest!

See you next week!
